Join CID Membership Network

Posted on 03 November 2022

By joining CID, you will be connected to a strong community of Aotearoa New Zealand international development NGOs and their partners.

Join the CID Membership Network Now

Become a member of CID and boost your connections, growth, and advocacy in the development and humanitarian sector in Aotearoa. CID is committed to maximizing the sector's impact through research, advocacy, and collaborative learning. As a CID member, you can contribute to shaping our sector and participating in vital conversations with the government. Enjoy discounted rates for CID's training, workshops, and events, including our Annual Conference, and gain access to a dynamic network of organisations. Join us in strengthening CID's standing as a prominent voice for the development community in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Membership types

Full Membership is for New Zealand based organisations that are incorporated societies, charitable trusts or not-for-profit companies with charitable status, that have been in existence for at least three years. New Full members must become CID Code of Conduct signatories within two years of joining us. Fees are reasonable and based on income spent on international development activities.

Affiliate Membership is for organisations, institutions or companies with an active presence in Aotearoa that work in related fields, related projects, or are supportive of international development or humanitarian aid; including academic institutions/think tanks, consultancy firms, business, and social enterprises. Affiliate membership is open to any organisation or company that does not fit the criteria for full membership but has significant value to offer the sector and vice versa. The organisational activities must be consistent with the principles and objectives of CID, but the organisation is not required to be compliant with the Code of Conduct.

Individual/Consultant Membership is for any individuals or sole trader consultants working in international development. The activities of the sole trader consultant must be consistent with the principles and objectives of CID, but they are not required to be compliant with the Code of Conduct. Consultancy firms or groups can be Affiliate Members - see above. Individual and consultant membership fees are a low set amount.

Email us to apply

Email to find out more information about the range of benefits and savings on our events and trainings, or to receive an application form.

Member Fees

  • Annual fees are calculated and invoiced for the year 1 July – 30 June
  • The Member & Sector Survey is sent out in June. Taking part in the survey is a membership requirement and is how we calculate our fees
  • Fees are reviewed by the CID Board annually. 
  • Members that join part way through the year will be invoiced a pro-rata amount 


Code of Conduct

The CID Code is a voluntary, self-regulatory sector code of good practice that aims to improve international development outcomes and increase stakeholder trust by enhancing the transparency and accountability of signatory organisations. It serves both as a guide to good practice and as a risk management document.

CID members who are granted Code Signatory Status can use the CID Code Compliant ‘tick’ in their communications with their donor public and stakeholders. The CID Code Compliant ‘tick’ signifies that the organisation has met the standards and expectations of corporate governance, transparency, accountability, and good practise, as outlined in the CID Code.

Full CID members must gain Code Signatory Status within two years of becoming members through a self-assessment process that is overseen and supported by CID. They must also show continued compliance through the completion of the self-assessment every three years.

The Code of Conduct fee for full CID members was approved by the CID Board in 2024, with a 50% discount for Category A to C members. The fee schedule for full CID members is below.

CID Humanitarian Network

The Council for International Development facilitates the CID Humanitarian Network, a sub-committee of CID members with an involvement in international disaster response activities, humanitarian assistance, disaster management, disaster risk management, and disaster risk reduction.

Observer status is available to Affiliate Members of CID on a case-by-case basis. These may be organisations not eligible to be a full CID member, for example Crown Research Institutes, academic institutions, or other organisations working in a humanitarian-related space. 

Membership of the Network is by application only, involves additional fees, and can be discussed by contacting 

The Humanitarian Network fee was approved by the CID Board in 2024, with a 50% discount for Category A to C members. The fee schedule for HMN members is below.