Community Transformation Trust

Community Transformation Trust
Community Transformation Trust was established in 2020 and is aiming to help make a difference in the lives of people affected by poverty. CTT is a small and effective Charitable Trust that partners with effective poverty-focussed charities overseas.

CTT raises money and awareness for the effective relief of extreme poverty worldwide. It intends to stay ‘lightweight’ and ‘simple’, while still maintaining effective evaluation processes, and implementing robust accountability mechanisms. CTT benefits from the research and learning of the Effective Altruism  worldwide movement. This results in access to high quality research, evaluation methodology and tools.

CTT also benefits from developing partnerships with effective development organisations who are actively working on poverty-focussed Community Development and Transformation initiatives. Because of these international network of relationships, CTT can be highly effective at raising money within NZ and distributing it to effective poverty-focussed partners overseas.