Photo Competition 2024 Winners

We are delighted to announce the winners of the Photo Competition 2024, recognised at the CID's Annual Conference 2024! These photographs capture extraordinary moments, conveying powerful humanitarian and development stories through their lenses.

Winner: Anglican Missions

Category1: International development

Keviina village Nyakigumba. Sarah is physically disabled.  She had a leg amputed following a boda boda (motorcycle taxi) accident.  Now aged 28 she is a mother to 2 children. She was supported by Anglican Missions partner, Ruwenzori Special Needs Foundation, which supports people living with a disability and their families and trained in hairdressing.  She now uses that training to run a hairdressing salon in her salon in her village.  With what she earns she is now able to send her son to school and hopes the same for her daughter.

Winner: Save The Children

Category 2: Humanitarian aid and emergency response

Location: Bangladesh

Credit: Md. Foysal/Save the Children

Description: A fire in Camp 13 in Cox’s Bazar started in a community shelter in June 2024, severely affecting 1,050 Rohingya refugees.

Winner: The Fred Hollows Foundation NZ

Category 3: Humanitarian and development

Kerema, Papua New Guinea: Popo can see again for the first time after removing his eye bandage at a remote surgical outreach in Papua New Guinea.

Photo: Darren James, The Fred Hollows Foundation NZ


Winner: ADRA

Category 4: Locally-led

“Elia Nakamal”

An ADRA Staff, Agricultural Lead socialised locally-led value chain analysis called the Ni-Van Method, to farmers of Elia, Vanuatu.