
GAZA Updates: ICC Probes Hospital Staff Amid War Crimes Investigation

Posted on 10 May 2024

In a significant development, staff from two major hospitals in the Gaza Strip have been questioned by prosecutors from the International Criminal Court (ICC) as part of an ongoing investigation into alleged war crimes. The interviews with medical personnel from Al Shifa and Nasser hospitals, which have been at the forefront during Israel’s nearly seven-month war on the besieged territory, mark the first confirmed interaction between ICC investigators and Gaza’s healthcare workers. The testimonies are expected to shed light on the events surrounding the hospitals, which have been subjected to sieges and raids, and where Palestinian officials have reported the discovery of mass graves following the withdrawal of Israeli troops.

The gravity of the situation is underscored by the United Nations human rights office’s expression of horror at the reports of mass graves found at the hospitals. These facilities, which are supposed to be accorded “special protection” under international law, have instead become focal points of devastation. The ICC’s pursuit of evidence from hospital staff signals a deepening of the court’s probe into the conflict, which has seen more than 34,500 fatalities. As the walls of silence break down, the world awaits the outcomes of these testimonies, hoping for justice and accountability in the face of overwhelming loss.
Sources: US News, AL JAZEERA


Gaza Crisis