+ Identifying future trends. Latest CID TalkDarren Ward, managing partner of Direct Impact (and a former CEO of CBM) gave a fascinating CID Talk this week on the importance of forecasting and understanding future trends in aid and development. He was reporting back from the 'Scanning the Horizons' civil society workshop in Nairobi recently. You can listen to his talk here (apologies for the odd angle on camera towards the end!) Darren emphasised the importance of:
- Forecasting for every decision we make. We must understand new technology and the latest ideas that are changing the way we do business (drones delivering humanitarian aid?).
- Understanding politics because we make decisions in political contexts.
- Using existing data. There is lots out there. We just have to source it and do our own analysis.
- Understanding the new models of development that are emerging in-country, like local social enterprises, and 'getting out of the way' if we can add value.
- Being aware of the unintended consequences if we keep 'doing' aid to others rather than empowering local communities to take control.
- Partnering with business and social enterprises to get development results.
It was a great talk and we're grateful to Darren for taking the time to talk to members in person and online while in Wellington.
He will be giving another talk in Auckland soon on the same topic, so Auckland-based members will have a chance to hear the latest on forecasting. Details to follow.