UPDATE 8th Feb 2022
The CID Conference Parliamentary Dinner, originally planned for 26th of October 2021, but the Conference went online due to Covid and the dinner was postponed.
In consultation with the minister’s office, we initially set a ‘save the date’ for the 17th March. However, as we are now in red and as it looks as though the omicron peak may hit in mid to late March, we have had to make a really tough decision.
We are deeply disappointed to have to say that the dinner is cancelled.
We’re so grateful for your patience and sticking with us as we have tried to work this out. It’s not all bad news though. If you had registered for dinner, then your dinner registration will be held over until the next CID Conference in late October of this year. You do not need to do anything at this stage. We will automatically transfer your dinner registration and we will be in contact again in a few months, then you will have the opportunity to change the name on your dinner registration or cancel your registration.