
Solomon Islands Lindsay Gault GOPR0052

Solomon Islands PM absent from WWII ceremony

Posted on 09 August 2022

The 80th anniversary of the Guadalcanal campaign of WWII was marked in the Solomon Islands on Sunday, with representatives from New Zealand, Australia, Japan and the United States in attendance.…
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Papua New Guinea election

PNG’s troubled election – a development wake-up call

Posted on 09 August 2022

It has been a difficult election period for Papua New Guinea. The violence so far has resulted in fewer deaths than the 2017 election, but shocking scenes of attack have…
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The return of tourism and Pacific economies

Posted on 09 August 2022

The revival of tourism in the Pacific is providing a much needed boost to the regional economy as more and more island countries reopen borders that were closed by the…
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fight famine

Australia's largest charities form coalition to push for foreign aid funds

Posted on 02 August 2022

A coalition of Australia’s largest charities will meet with politicians in Canberra this week, asking for immediate financial aid to stop countries experiencing extreme food crises from falling into famine.
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philippines earthquake

Earthquake in Philippines

Posted on 02 August 2022

At least five people died and 130 others were injured after a powerful earthquake struck the northern Philippines on Wednesday, according to authorities in the Southeast Asian country. The 7.0-magnitude…
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Jacinda Ardern in Dunedin

PM Jacinda Ardern on New Zealand’s Independent Foreign Policy

Posted on 02 August 2022

The Prime Minister of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern, recently gave an address at the Lowy Institute in Sydney titled: A Pacific Springboard to Engage the World: New Zealand's Independent Foreign Policy.…
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The ‘Pacific Reset’ needs real commercial investment

Posted on 02 August 2022

From an Australian perspective, Pacific relations may have been an expected conflict zone at the last federal election. Since being in office, the new Albanese government has doubled down on…
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1024px Pfizer BioNTech COVID 19 vaccine 2020 E

Lessons from the Pacific Clinical Frontline

Posted on 02 August 2022

The Lancet has published several excellent articles over the last month on the experience of Pacific regional front-line clinician staff during the Covid-19 pandemic. The responsibilities of respondents in the…
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Nukutoa High Tide Papua New Guinea climate change Professor Richard Moyle

Cascading crises: Covid, conflict, and climate change

Posted on 02 August 2022

According to a recent UN report on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), cascading and interlinked crises are putting the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in grave danger, along with ‘humanity’s…
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Oxfam NZ web banner

Work for Oxfam Aotearoa

Posted on 27 July 2022

Oxfam Aotearoa are a NZ charity, connected to a world-wide Oxfam movement, that challenges the global inequalities that push people into poverty and injustice. We welcome you to work with…
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