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Devastating Floods Displace Thousands of Afghan Children

Posted on 24 July 2024

Recent floods in eastern Afghanistan have left at least 1,500 children homeless, worsening the country’s already severe humanitarian crisis. Heavy rains and storms have claimed the lives of approximately 40…
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Taliban Ban on Women Workers Threatens Humanitarian Aid in Afghanistan, Warns UN

Posted on 09 July 2024

At the UN summit in Doha, the Taliban’s recent actions have raised serious concerns about the future of humanitarian aid in Afghanistan. The United Nations has warned that the Taliban’s…
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Disaster and foreign aid cuts lead to hard winter choices in parts of Afghanistan

Posted on 01 February 2024

Due to a combination of floods and reduced aid, families in Behsud are now "forced to choose between eating their one meal during the day or at night." Over the…
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How the media misrepresents Afghanistan

Humanitarian crisis as Afghans flee Pakistan following migrant deportation deadline

Posted on 23 November 2023

There were significant concerns as Pakistan announced in early October that all Afghan migrants residing in the nation, almost 1.73 million people, would be forced to leave by November 1.
As of 18…
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How the media misrepresents Afghanistan

Concerns for Pakistan’s deadline for Afghan migrant deportation 

Posted on 02 November 2023

It was announced by Pakistan early last month that all Afghan migrants in the nation without legal documentation, almost 1.73 million refugees, would be forced to leave by November 1.
The establishment…
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How the media misrepresents Afghanistan

Urgent humanitarian assistance required following Afghanistan earthquake

Posted on 12 October 2023

On October 8, a 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck Northwestern Afghanistan, killing more than 2400 people according to the Taliban. This is now amongst the deadliest earthquakes this year globally. 

The Taliban have called on international aid…
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Afghanistan's severe humanitarian crisis two years on from Taliban takeover

Posted on 24 August 2023

Last week marked two years since the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan, which has spiraled the country into what many non-governmental organisations are saying is the world’s largest humanitarian crisis.
The Taliban have…
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How the media misrepresents Afghanistan

Ban on females working at UN in Afghanistan an "assault on women"

Posted on 12 April 2023

It has been announced that women will no longer be permitted to work at the UN in Afghanistan, a measure that will be actively enforced by the Taliban.
At the end of last…
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How the media misrepresents Afghanistan

Afghanistan humanitarian crisis requires urgent and effective response

Posted on 15 March 2023

It has been revealed that over two thirds of Afghanistan’s population will require humanitarian assistance in 2023, with high levels of food insecurity, conflict and human rights violations threatening the…
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How the media misrepresents Afghanistan

Afghan women's exclusion from NGOs hindering access to aid

Posted on 21 February 2023

Save the Children have shed light on the devastating impact of Afghanistan’s ban on females working in NGOs.
At the end of last year, the Taliban prohibited women in Afghanistan working…
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