
Protest in Myanmar against Military Coup 14 Feb

Myanmar military take over - two years on

Posted on 01 February 2023

Today marks two years since the military took power in a coup. Since then, the situation on the ground in Myanmar has only gotten worse. More than 3,000 people have…
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Fiji government to ‘re-establish localisation’

Posted on 12 January 2023

Expatriates, including New Zealanders, recruited by the former government and granted Fiji citizenship are now under review, Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka has announced.
He said the FijiFirst administration of…
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Ethiopia East Africa Hunger Crisis CreditChrisHoskinsTearfund

Hunger crisis in East Africa

Posted on 12 January 2023

At the end of last year, nine of CID’s member aid agencies published a joint press release about the hunger crisis facing East Africa, calling for greater support to the…
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Tourism in the Pacific reimagined

Posted on 22 December 2022

With the arrival of what is historically, the low season for Pacific tourism markets, the industry will be hoping to benefit from returning Pasifika reuniting with family at Christmas and…
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Ethiopia East Africa Hunger Crisis CreditChrisHoskinsTearfund

NZ aid agencies warn 50 million people facing extreme hunger crisis

Posted on 15 December 2022

Nine New Zealand aid agencies urge Kiwis to act now to provide life-saving support for people affected by the hunger crisis in East Africa.

The world is currently facing one…
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Peter Rudd UNDP v2

UNDP engagement in the Pacific region

Posted on 14 December 2022

Last week, CID’s Executive Director, Peter Rudd, met with Ms Kanni Wignaraja, Assistant Secretary General and Regional Director for the Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific for the United…
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1024px 0 Araucaria columnaris New Caledonia

New Caledonia determined to attain sovereignty by 2025

Posted on 30 November 2022

After meeting last weekend, the Caledonian Union, and The Palika Party, both key members of New Caledonia’s independence movement, declared 2025 was still very much a deadline to achieve sovereignty. 

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Anti government protest in Sri Lanka 2022

Sri Lanka at brink of humanitarian crisis

Posted on 30 November 2022

The dramatic fuel shortages that accompanied mass protests in Sri Lanka earlier this year may have eased, but for millions of Sri Lankans the economic crisis is worse than ever. 

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1024px Flag photo Papua New Guinea

China spending falls in Pacific says Lowy Institute New Blog Post

Posted on 30 November 2022

China's development spending has fallen in the Pacific region, according to Australia's Lowy Institute. 

Five years after the Papua New Guinea government announced a long-awaited $US2.6 billion upgrade of the nation's…
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Opposition to Japanese plans to dump nuclear waste in Pacific

Posted on 30 November 2022

After meeting at the Nuclear Connections Across Oceania conference over the weekend in Dunedin, activists and academics have joined forces to publicly oppose Japanese plans to dump nuclear waste in…
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