
Anthony albanese

The impact of the Australian Election on international aid

Posted on 23 May 2022

The win by opposition leader Anthony Albanese in Australia's tightly contested general election returns the center-left Labor Party to power for the first time in nine years. It will likely…
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Ethiopian Civil War 2020 present.svg

Humanitarian aid to Northern Ethiopia

Posted on 23 May 2022

The UN reports that hundreds of thousands have been driven to famine, more than 2 million displaced, and more than 9 million are in need of humanitarian aid in Northern…
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WHO expects more cases of Monkeypox globally

Posted on 23 May 2022

Monkeypox is a viral zoonotic disease that occurs primarily in tropical forest areas of Central and West Africa, but cases have recently been found in atypical locations.

The World Health…
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Hands marbles

Cost of living for the world's poorest

Posted on 20 May 2022

At a time when the cost of living crisis is front and centre in people’s minds, it is perhaps no surprise that international aid took a back seat in this…
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Submit to Support - Modern slavery legislation campaign

Posted on 16 May 2022

Modern Slavery and Worker Exploitation are serious forms of exploitation seen internationally and within New Zealand. Addressing these practices requires a whole-of-society response, undertaken through strong partnerships across government agencies…
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UN Security Council

UN Security council condemns killing of Aljazeera journalist

Posted on 16 May 2022

In a rare case of Security Council unity on an issue related to Israel, the United Nations Security Council has unanimously condemned the killing of Palestinian American Al Jazeera journalist,…
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silhouette portrait woman women

Call for sexual and reproductive health rights to remain central

Posted on 16 May 2022

In a speech delivered to the United Nations General Assembly: Commission on Population and Development, H.E. Ms. Carolyn Schwalger, noted concerns that hard fought advances regarding sexual and reproductive rights…
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Chris Hartnett VSA Vanuatu 1

Vanuatu’s call for the international court of justice to protect from climate change

Posted on 16 May 2022

Vanuatu’s call has received the backing of 1,500 civil society organisations from more than 130 countries, as it heads toward a crucial vote at the UN General Assembly later this…
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Brianna Fruean in 2018

Brianna Fruean wins Global Citizen award

Posted on 16 May 2022

The Global Citizen Prize recognizes activists across the world whose efforts focus on ending extreme poverty and achieving the United Nations’ Global Goals. The prize aims to identify “unsung heroes”…
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survey image

Budget 2022: critical aid for global crises

Posted on 12 May 2022

As the Government prepares to release its Budget 2022, the Council for International Development (CID), and its member aid agencies are calling for greater transparency in budget spend and more…
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