
Yemen: a safe haven

Two-month ceasefire in Yemen

Posted on 05 April 2022

Yemen's warring parties laid down their weapons for the first nationwide truce since 2016 on Saturday, with all eyes on whether the UN-brokered ceasefire will hold.
In a statement, the UN…
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Defence budgets increase while aid budgets fall

Posted on 05 April 2022

Across Europe as Covid continues and the crisis in the Ukraine increases, we are seeing an increase in military budgets, often resulting in a decrease in other areas, including at…
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ChildFund​  - Betio Kiribati - climate change

It’s now or never: Third and final part of IPCC Report released

Posted on 05 April 2022

The world can still hope to stave off the worst ravages of climate breakdown but only through a “now or never” dash to a low-carbon economy, scientists have said in…
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How the media misrepresents Afghanistan

Additional $6mil funding to Afghanistan

Posted on 05 April 2022

The Minister has announced further humanitarian support to Afghanistan.
“$3 million will be provided through the World Food Programme and $3 million to the Food and Agriculture Organisation. This brings our…
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Moana Jackson

A tribute to Moana Jackson

Posted on 31 March 2022

CID wishes to acknowledge the passing of Moana Jackson, Ngāti Kahungunu, Rongomaiwahine and Ngāti Porou, and thank him for his guidance and leadership. Jackson remains one of Aotearoa’s foremost legal…
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silhouette portrait woman women

A reminder on the importance of Dignity

Posted on 29 March 2022

Dignity is fundamental to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the preamble to the Sustainable Development Goals mentions dignity, yet practical ways of addressing and measuring the dignity of…
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Nukutoa High Tide Papua New Guinea climate change Professor Richard Moyle

Beyond Barriers: climate change case study in Papua New Guinea

Posted on 29 March 2022

Papua New Guinea currently maintains separate governance and institutional arrangements for disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change. Most stakeholders agree that DRR and climate change adaptation (CCA) activities largely…
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Island Nation of Kiribati Affected by Climate Change

Is this the end for Kiribati seafaring?

Posted on 29 March 2022

The Kiribati government closed their international border late in March 2020, to keep their island population of approximately 140,000 people safe from COVID-19. Luckily the system worked. However, Maria Borovnik…
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Syrian refugees in Turkey European UnionECHOCaroline Gluck

Accepting refugees, but behind on quotas

Posted on 29 March 2022

New Zealand will now be taking 150 refugees a year for three years from Australian detention centres in the Pacific, after offers reaching back almost ten years. The arrivals will…
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Push back on the term ‘lethal aid’

Push back on the term ‘lethal aid’

Posted on 28 March 2022

Following in the footsteps of the White House and Australia, we have started to see an increase in the use of the term ‘lethal aid’. ‘Lethal aid’ refers to deadly…
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