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World Bank Study Exposes Persistent Gender Gap in Working Women Worldwide

Posted on 08 March 2024

The study's revelations serve as a sobering reminder of the urgent need to address gender inequality on a global scale. Beyond mere rhetoric, concrete actions and policies must be implemented…
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Sanitary Pads

Women Struggle Without Menstrual Sanitary Products in GAZA

Posted on 08 March 2024

In Gaza, menstruation has become a critical challenge for many women as the ongoing conflict worsens the shortage of sanitary products. With limited access to basic necessities, women are forced…
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pacific island map

Pacific Island Countries Face Economic Slowdown in 2024 - World Bank Report

Posted on 08 March 2024

Despite the setbacks, the World Bank stresses the importance of targeted policies and investments to support sustainable growth and resilience in the region. Strengthening governance, promoting private sector development, and…
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GAZA Crisis: Palestinians Forced to Eat Grass Amidst Food Shortages and Israeli Siege

Posted on 08 March 2024

In the northern region of Gaza, Palestinians are facing an extreme food shortage, worsened by the ongoing Israeli siege. Reports reveal that some residents have resorted to eating grass in…
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Cyclone Kevin Vanuatu

Vanuatu: Life Remains Challenging One Year After Twin Cyclones

Posted on 08 March 2024

One year after Vanuatu was struck by twin cyclones, the resilient island nation continues to grapple with the aftermath of the devastating natural disasters. Despite intensive efforts to rebuild and…
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A Golden Opportunity or Environmental Risk: India's $10B Microchip Ambition?

Posted on 08 March 2024

India's ambitious $10 billion microchip dream has sparked both excitement and concern, as the nation seeks to bolster its domestic semiconductor industry. With the global chip shortage highlighting vulnerabilities in…
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Doctors Urge Government for Māori Health Prioritization Plan

Posted on 08 March 2024

More than 700 doctors across New Zealand have expressed profound dismay over the government's decision to dismantle the Māori Health Authority, stressing the significant setback it represents in addressing health disparities…
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Gaza kids drawing

The Health Ministry Reports Children Dying of Malnutrition in Gaza

Posted on 08 March 2024

Recent reports from the Ministry of Health in Gaza confirm the tragic deaths of at least six children due to dehydration and malnutrition, with four children passing away at Kamal Adwan Hospital…
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Samoa's Measles Vaccination Success Amid Lingering Epidemic Pain

Posted on 08 March 2024

In response to a devastating measles epidemic in 2019, Samoa has experienced a remarkable surge in vaccination rates, marking a significant milestone in the nation's battle against infectious diseases. Through comprehensive…
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Young Burmese Fleeing the Country Amid Enforcement of Conscription Law

Posted on 08 March 2024

Since the announcement of mandatory conscription into the military in Myanmar, the country has witnessed tragic incidents like a deadly stampede outside a passport office and enduring queues outside embassies.…
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