
EWB NZ Usisya Malawi Three generations of skillfully hand made boats on the shores of Lake Nyasa Jack Nugent

CID/VSA Talk: Patrick Rose: Faces of Climate Change

Posted on 03 May 2019

Patrick Rose, a VSA volunteer, has just finished his assignment as Communication Specialist at UNDP Solomon Islands.

Over the last few years he has done quite a lot of work…
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Africa UNICEF 2 v2

CID Submission – Review of Charities Act 2005 & Non-Government Organisations (NGOs)

Posted on 01 May 2019


Introduction1. The Council for International Development (CID) would like to thank the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) for the opportunity to provide a written submission. This submission outlines the thoughts…
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Fiji Leo Duce Caritas 1

Save The Children’s 100th anniversary, the growth of white supremacy, ‘leave no ambition behind’ in 2020

Posted on 30 April 2019

+ 100 Years of Save The Children


Save the Children was established on the 15th May 1919, and a recent conference in the UK examined the interplay between humanitarianism, politics and children's rights through…
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Fiji Leo Duce Caritas 2

Sri Lankan bombing, World Earth Day, ODA flows in the Pacific, Women’s empowerment, and Easter readings

Posted on 23 April 2019

+ Sri Lankan Bombings & Social Media concerns

The coordinated series of bombings over the weekend in Sri Lanka has killed at least 290 people and injured more than 450 others, after…
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Himalayan Trust 1

New Zealand Red Cross nurse, remittances, Solomon Islands elections, the future of aid

Posted on 16 April 2019

+ "We just want her home": Abduction of New Zealand Red Cross Nurse
The reality of the risks that some in our sector face when working in conflict zones and situations of…
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Himalayan Trust 2

Rwandan Genocide, Christchurch attacks, priorities in the Pacific, and partnerships

Posted on 09 April 2019

+ Rwandan Genocide: 25 Years On 

On 6th April 1994, the presidents of Rwanda and Burundi were both killed in a rocket attack on their airplane, while returning from peace negotiations in Dar…
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New Zealand NGOs respond to humanitarian crisis in Mozambique

New Zealand NGOs respond to humanitarian crisis in Mozambique

Posted on 03 April 2019

New Zealand’s aid agencies are urgently responding to the Mozambique crisis, following the devastation caused by Cyclone Idai.PDF

Cyclone Idai made landfall during the night of 14th March in  Mozambique, before…
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Himalayan Trust Pro 3

Election in Solomon Islands, cholera concerns in Mozambique, submission on Charities Act review, and lots of events

Posted on 02 April 2019

+ CID's annual Survey of the Sector is out

The annual CID survey of the sector has been sent to your CEOs.

Please make sure your organisation completes the CID survey so that your…
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IMG 2253

Mozambique cyclone, refugee camps, latest from Venezuela, and helping Christchurch

Posted on 26 March 2019

+ Mozambique's Cyclone causes devastation 

Ten days ago, Cyclone Idai, one of the most devastating storms to hit Africa in decades, made landfall in Mozambique with sustained winds of 120 mph (195…
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IMG 2468

‘Together we are stronger’ - information, links, and updates post the Christchurch tragedy

Posted on 19 March 2019

CID vigil outside the Brandon Street Muslim place of prayer on Monday, 18th March.

+ A message from Farid, a member of the CID team

No one believed this terror could happen…
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