New Zealand


Bougainville referendum, Manaaki Update, UK elections, and more

Posted on 17 December 2019

+ Merry Christmas & Thank You from the CID team!

In what ever way you celebrate the upcoming holiday season, the CID team would like to take the opportunity to wish…
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Pacific pedram Pirnia 2

CIDx Talk: Bill English: How do you know you're doing good?

Posted on 03 September 2019

Former Prime Minister of New Zealand Sir Bill English addressed a key question for the international development sector; “How do you know you’re doing good?”In this CIDx talk hosted at…
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Photo 32. Banzaid

#nziswatching Advocacy for Syria, celebrating women humanitarians, Pacific Leaders Forum fallout, plus many upcoming events and more.

Posted on 20 August 2019

+ #NZiswatching

Eleven CID members launched a campaign to call on the New Zealand government to resume funding to Syria, and to keep the pressure on the Syria regime to prevent…
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Data data everywhere what does it mean for NZ NGOs

Data, data everywhere, what does it mean for NZ NGOs?

Posted on 02 July 2019


In a short blog, Nik summarises recent articles about big data in the NGO sector from IRIN (by Ben Parker here and here); researchers from the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative (here);…
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cbm dev4

Ebola spread, Asia & Pacific falter on SDGs, merging INGOs and more

Posted on 18 June 2019

+ Chances of ending poverty in decline 

New data from the Brookings Institute has raised the alarm that the future of poverty reduction is looking highly uncertain.

"Our historical-based simulations estimate that the…
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Ocean and land view from air Environment Pedram v3

NZDF Defence Capability Plan 2019 launched by Hon. Ron Mark

Posted on 14 June 2019


Author: Campbell Garrett, Council for International Development (attended the official launch at the Beehive on behalf of CID members)

Summary:This week the government launched its Defence Capability Plan, with $20 billion of…
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cbm dev6

Pacific Reset so far, NZ troops come home, female peacekeepers left unprepared and more

Posted on 11 June 2019

+ So far in the Pacific Reset...

The government launched its $20 billion Defence Capability plan, which given its focus on climate change mitigation in the Pacific is being promoted by the government as part of…
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Copy of WV training2 v2

Pacific Focus, NZ Aid budget, doubts on gender equity achievements and more

Posted on 04 June 2019

+ Focus on Pacific set to remain after Australian election

ACFID have welcomed the return of development to a ministerial position.
"Following the re-election of the Coalition Government, Prime Minister Scott Morrison…
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Mali Chris Sisarch WV

The New Zealand Aid Eco-system - Opportunities and Challenges

Posted on 01 June 2019

CID Discussion PaperAuthor: Chris Clarke Synopsis: This document provides some points for discussion on the current shape of the NZ aid ecosystem; the challenges and opportunities; the role INGOs might play as…
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ADRA Bangladesh 114

CID/JBWere Talk: JB Were's Support Report Launched - "How New Zealanders Donate"

Posted on 15 May 2019

A unique opportunity for New Zealand NGO sector to talk to John McLeod, the author of The New Zealand Support Report.
John McLeod, co-founder of JBWere Philanthropic Services, presented the…
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