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CID Talk: Girol Karacaoglu: Monitoring SDGs

Posted on 23 May 2018

Intergenerational Wellbeing and Public Policy & ManagementGirol Karacaoglu discussed the role of public policy in shaping development outcomes, and the way that different cultures around the world and within New…
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Surfaid 4

Increase in aid backs New Zealand to make a difference in the world

Posted on 09 May 2018


An increase in aid is long overdue and strengthens our ability to help in humanitarian emergencies, and work with some of the most vulnerable communities in an increasingly insecure world,…
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Photo 32 v2. Banzaid

New Zealand NGOs respond to challenges

Posted on 22 March 2018


New Zealand’s international ‘mission-driven’ organisations are changing the way they work, devolving decision-making to in-country partners, and working with a wider range of organisations in both the private and public sectors.

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9 Oxfam Bangladesh Kelsey Rae Taylor v2

New Zealand NGOs come together to respond to humanitarian crisis in Bangladesh and Myanmar

Posted on 22 November 2017


New Zealand’s aid agencies and the government are coming together to respond to the world’s fastest-developing refugee emergency on the Myanmar border of Bangladesh.

“We welcome the announcement from Foreign Minister…
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