
Red Sea Ship

New Zealand's Red Sea Deployment Raises Political Debate

Posted on 26 January 2024

The New Zealand government has announced the deployment of a six-member Defence Force team to the Middle East, tasked with upholding maritime security in the Red Sea no later than…
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“Internal armed conflict” announced in Ecuador following gang-led riots

Posted on 18 January 2024

On January 8, violence erupted in Ecuador, beginning with riots in at least six prisons where inmates seized control, holding guards captive and many escaping, including leaders of criminal groups. Simultaneously, widespread bombing occurred,…
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Tonga 2

Two years since Tonga Volcano Eruption - ongoing impact and learning

Posted on 18 January 2024

15 January marked two years since the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai volcanic eruption caused immense devastation to the Kingdom of Tonga. The biggest explosion of this kind in over 100 years, the eruption…
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StockSnap UKEDZ84ZQG

2023 announced the hottest year on record, soaring temperatures to continue 

Posted on 18 January 2024

Last week, 2023 was confirmed as the hottest year on record, with the extent of Antarctic Sea ice at its lowest, and the upper ocean heat content at its highest.
This has been…
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1024px New Escanabas Papua New Guinea Flag

Violent outbreak in PNG raises political uncertainty 

Posted on 18 January 2024

On January 10, violence erupted in Papua New Guinea’s (PNG) Port Moresby and Lae, as 200 police and public sector workers protested unexplained salary reductions. The protest escalated into a riot,…
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Humanitarian concerns as Red Sea conflict escalates 

Posted on 18 January 2024

Since the initiation of the Israel Gaza conflict on October 7, Yemen’s Houthis rebels have been conducting missile attacks on cargo ships in the Red Sea, targeting those on route to Israel.…
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UN Agencies launch Anticipatory Action Programme in Philippines

Posted on 11 January 2024

Last week, United Nations agencies in the Philippines established an ongoing Anticipatory Action (AA) Programme, aiming to protect at risk communities from typhoons before they hit.
More typhoons enter the Philippines’ area of…
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cox bazar fire

7000 Rohingya homeless following destructive fire in Cox's Bazaar

Posted on 10 January 2024

On January 7, a destructive fire swept though Camp 5 of Cox's Bazaar refugee camp in Bangladesh, flaring up at around 1am and brought under control a few hours later. There…
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Increased Russian strikes in Ukraine over the new year

Posted on 10 January 2024

Over the past couple of weeks, Russia have upscaled their offensive in Ukraine through widespread attacks on populated cities. On December 29, overnight strikes impacted nine out of Kyiv’s 10 districts, with…
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CH1938297 Destruction in Khan Younis

2024 Gaza Update

Posted on 10 January 2024

Three months since the initiation of conflict in the Middle East, the humanitarian crisis in Gaza continues to spiral. Over 23,000 civilians have now been killed in the conflict, with an estimated 70%…
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