
Syrian refugees in Turkey European UnionECHOCaroline Gluck

Global Refugee Forum a "bright burst of light" for displaced populations

Posted on 21 December 2023

From 13-15 December the Global Refugee Forum took place in Geneva. Themed “Action. Unity. Impact”, it bought together over 4000 people to “support the practical implementation of the objectives set out in…
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Deadly cyclone slams into South Pacific Islands CARITAS

Japan funds new disaster preparedness programme for Vanuatu

Posted on 21 December 2023

Japan and the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) have signed an agreement with Vanuatu to assist the nation with disaster preparedness.

'Strengthening Resilience to Disaster and Displacement Risks' is a US $5.2…
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Intensifying clashes and deteriorating situation in Sudan, dire predictions for 2024

Posted on 21 December 2023

The escalation of violence between the Rapid Support Forces and Sudanese Armed Forces in Sudan since April has created “a convergence of a worsening humanitarian calamity and a catastrophic human rights crisis”,…
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New Zealand Foreign Affairs Minister visits Fiji on first overseas trip

Posted on 21 December 2023

From 15-16 December, New Zealand Foreign Affairs Minister Winston Peters visited Suva, Fiji to meet with Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka and Pacific Islands Forum Secretary General Henry Puna. Discussions centred around economic resilience,…
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CH1938297 Destruction in Khan Younis

Press Release: New Zealand humanitarian organisations unanimously urge political leaders to intensify efforts for peace in Gaza at Christmas time

Posted on 21 December 2023

Cover photo: Destruction in Khan Younis, Save the Children

As parliament adjourns and New Zealand “shuts down” for the holidays, the New Zealand humanitarian community is issuing an urgent plea to…
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Useful Outsiders Podcast - Climate and the Pacific: Response, Recovery and Resilience

Posted on 21 December 2023

Pacific nations are connected by the threat of climate change, all experiencing acute national disasters which are part of a prolonged, ongoing crisis, and facing growing threats to their infrastructure,…
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Yemen: a safe haven

UN report reveals 2024 funding requirements to addressing soaring needs

Posted on 14 December 2023

On December 11, the UN launched the 2024 Global Humanitarian Needs Overview, which provides an assessment of the drivers and trends of global needs, and outlines what is required to assist vulnerable populations…
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Romani people Lviv Ukraine

Looming funding crisis for Ukraine

Posted on 14 December 2023

Following the announcement earlier this month that US funding for Ukraine will likely to run out by the end of 2023, President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine met with US President Joe Biden…
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Backlash from Pacific nations as Global Stocktake report released at COP28

Posted on 14 December 2023

On Monday, the draft text of the Global Stocktake was released, and has since come under criticism from the global community for its inaction on progressing towards a fossil free future.
Minister Cedric…
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1024px Gaza Strip   Palestine

Council for International Development supports UN Resolution calling for immediate ceasefire in Gaza

Posted on 14 December 2023

The Council for International Development (CID) Aotearoa New Zealand supports the resolution adopted at the UN General Assembly on Wednesday 13 December, demanding “an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza.”

New Zealand…
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