
Indonesia Tsunami Aye 4

DFID merger, Global peace, migrant smuggling, and more

Posted on 23 June 2020

+ DFID merger - (some) pros (mostly) cons

The UK 'Department for International Development' - DFID - will be merged into a new department — the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, announced…
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COVID-19 Resources

Posted on 22 June 2020

Here is a list of resources that the CID Team has collated during March-May 2020

An incredibly rich Resource List: Communicating about COVID-19, reported by Aidnography
Amnesty International Aotearoa New Zealand released a human rights briefing document…
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Indonesia Tsunami Anna Yogyakarta 88

NZ Philanthropy, SDGs acceleration, Global protests, and more

Posted on 16 June 2020

+ NZ Philanthropy likely to drop by $20m 

Philanthropy NZ has surveyed 120 of its members, philanthropist, grant-makers and other funders to find out how COVID-19 is impacting on their ability to give. 

The findings are…
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2 Oxfam Thailand Artur Francisco

George Floyd murder, GAVI, Aid sector recruitment trends, and more

Posted on 09 June 2020

+ Save the date! workshops on Adaptive management

CID in partnership with MFAT will be holding two online training seminars on Adaptive Management, as we all face the challenges of adapting programmes…
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Indonesia Tsunami Masaru 35

WHO Foundation, Australian Aid, INGOs' vision, and more

Posted on 02 June 2020

+ A Pacific bubble first?

Why a bubble with the Pacific should be first, writes University of Auckland’s Collin Tukuitonga in Newsroom.

Risk is less. With zero COVID-19 cases in NZ and in some…
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Indonesia Matt King Surf Aid

Global poverty, Remote humanitarian work, Remittances, and more

Posted on 26 May 2020

+ 'How to keep the world's most essential work going'

"The 3rd wave of Coronavirus could be the most deadly," writes CEO of World Vision, Grant Bayldon in a new think piece this…
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Cbm 6 v2

Evolution of Pacific Localisation, NZ aid budget, COVID testing in Africa, and more.

Posted on 19 May 2020

+ Update on Modernising the Charities Act 2005

Department of International Affairs Te Tari Taiwhnua has provided an update on Modernising the Charities Act 2005.
COVID-19 has impacted the Department’s policy work programme,…
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Zimbabwe QPSANZ 2

Increase in aid budget welcomed, as Pacific faces crisis

Posted on 14 May 2020


14 May 2020

Aid charities welcomed the government’s decision to increase the aid budget today with an
additional $55.6 million.

“Government budgets across the world are under huge stress, and it reflects the…
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1 Oxfam Thailand Artur Francisco

A Pacific bubble, Human trafficking with closed borders, Press freedom, and more.

Posted on 12 May 2020

+ MFAT's pivot to COVID-19 and a new normal

Jonathan Kings, Deputy Secretary of the Pacific and Development Group, gives a personal account of how the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade responded in…
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Ethiopia Michelia Ward Trade Aid v2

CID Members Advocacy Snapshot: January-April 2020

Posted on 12 May 2020

The January – April 2020 period saw a drastic shift in focus of the advocacy activities of CID members from previous periods, due to the current climate and recent events.…
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