
India Leprosy Mission 5

Covid-19 CID update April 9

Posted on 09 April 2020

News and ResourcesDevex has put together a list of 5 tips for running a development organization remotely
ICVA have made available the ICVA's Virtual Annual Conference 2020 Summary Report
CID is hosting a…
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7 Oxfam Bangladesh Kelsey Rae Taylor

Covid-19 CID update April 8

Posted on 08 April 2020

For reading the latest CID newsletter, click here.News and ResourcesTC Harold (Solomons, Vanuatu & Fiji) 
The CID Humanitarian Network will be holding another daily meeting at 2:00pm this afternoon, with MFAT also attending.…
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IMG 2477 v2

TC Harold, Pacific 'hierarchy of threats', COVID-19 and Climate Change, and more

Posted on 07 April 2020

+ Cat 5 Tropical Cyclone Harold (Solomon Islands & Vanuatu)

Tropical Cyclone Harold, is the first Category-5 storm to make landfall since Vanuatu declared a state of emergency on the 29th March (due to COVID-19). It is…
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IMG 9998 v2

Covid-19 CID update April 6

Posted on 06 April 2020

Resources and NewsCyclone Harold strengthened to a Category 5
Tropical Cyclone Harold strengthened to a Category 5 storm overnight and is currently located 70km west of Espiritu Santo, Vanuatu. It is…
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IMG 3605

Covid-19 CID update April 3

Posted on 03 April 2020

Covid-19 Resources and NewsTe Puni Kōkiri (Ministry of Māori Development) Information sheets to help whānau stay safe during the Level 4 lockdown period in English and te reo Māori
A team…
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Ethan Donnell Unicef Indonesia 6 v2

Covid-19 CID update April 1

Posted on 01 April 2020

For reading the latest CID newsletter, click here. 

Covid-19 Resources and NewsUN Launches Global Humanitarian Appeal for Vulnerable Countries, WHO Updates Response Plan
Pacific Disability Forum developed human rights-based approach guidelines on…
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cbm dev4 v2

Fundraising & Generosity, UN's Plan, Humanitarian concerns, and more

Posted on 31 March 2020

+ Latest update from MBIE on Essential Mailings

Direct mail for 'essential services' only – IMPORTANT information 

Many charities are confused and concerned about whether or not they can continue to send out…
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IMG 9033 v4

Covid-19 CID update March 30

Posted on 30 March 2020



Covid-19 Resources and NewsApplication for community awareness and grant fund from MSD
Red Cross have launched their restoring family links mechanism
NZ Office of Ethnic Affairs – Covid-19 messages in different languages

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IMG 2394

Covid-19 CID update March 27

Posted on 27 March 2020

Covid-19 Resources and NewsThe UN launches a US$2 billion coordinated global humanitarian response plan to fight COVID-19, to be implemented by UN agencies, with international NGOs and NGO consortiums.

Pasifika Futures…
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IMG 2502

Covid-19 CID update March 26

Posted on 26 March 2020

Pacific Resources on Covid-19Covid-19 Level 4 Alert: Pacific People at 4:30pm today (26/03/2020) on TV1. A special – United Against Covid-19 Level 4 Alert messages for Pacific people in their…
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